Canada has a lot to offer to refugees, but it will take several weeks to integrate in the first few years, as in any foreign country, so it can be very overwhelming. Below, we list 5 main things you need to do and be mindful of in order to explore yourself and be in the best condition to achieve your goals and use the many available tools. Seek advice from immigration consultants to learn more about the same thing.
Social Insurance Number
To build a bank account, seek work, or access government
programmes and benefits, you would need a social security number. You will fill
in the registration forms of the Service Canada Centre with any required
documents; passports attached to the passport, any travel documents, etc.
Health insurance
Every Canadian citizen and permanent resident is eligible
for medical coverage, and each member of the family has his or her own
provincial or municipal health insurance card. While certain states delay until
a health care card is provided for prospective patients.
Open a Bank account
By having a bank account and helping you pay the bills and
order goods electronically, the tracking and production of your financial
transactions will guarantee that your money is safe and available. You are
going to open a bank account with an acceptable location and working hours, and
you can also authorise the bank to employ a safe deposit box to keep documents
and other valuables safe.
Explore job opportunities
Check for job vacancies or government offices on-line. While
labour laws vary from country to country, there is a need to get feedback from
work councillors on how to apply for jobs.
A permanent home
Upon landing in Canada, you could want to live in a hotel or
maybe with a girlfriend, so finding an acceptable place to stay as soon as
possible will help you through your visit. You will search lists of apartments
and leases on the web and in property businesses.
In pursuit of immigrating to Canada? Using a CRS points calculator, know your eligibility!
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